This project is inspired by the Companion Traversal talk at GDC 2023 by Salaar Kohari at Santa Monica Studios. It is being developed in Unreal Engine 5.2. This project can be downloaded from my Github Repository
AI using Dijkstra
At the start of this week’s work, I was debugging an issue with the integration of the blueprint setup with the Dijkstra C++ implementation. Every
Dijkstra Integration
This week, I started with making a slight adjustment to the weight UI. Originally, I had the weight UI following the location of the player,
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Navone, Estefania Cassingena. “Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm – a Detailed and Visual Introduction.” freeCodeCamp.Org, 3 Feb. 2022,
Initial Implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
In order to learn
Multidirectional Graph
After further thought on the graph’s design, I needed to determine a more efficient way for designers to set up the graph than simply having
Climbing Animations Continued
The first issue I’m running into with my animations is making them look smooth. The primary issue is that the animations end at different heights
Adjusting Climb Transforms
The first change I made was to add an offset variable for the z-axis so that the player’s hands align with the spline. Then, my
Start Climbing Animations
Last time I was able to get the spline movement functioning so I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and implement
Graph System Player Movement
First, I’ve decided to deviate from my initial schedule in order to focus on completing the basic functionality of player climbing. This post will walk
Graph System Base Requirements
The graph system should be editable for both traversal on the ground and climbing traversal.
Climb Graph
Requirements for climbing:
Spline Edges
Flow control
Transition between wall splines
Transition from
AI Research
Basic AI Setup
In order to start setting up more advanced AI, I setup the most base version. I copied the Unreal Third Person Blueprint to
Animation Research
Sync Groups
Unreal provides an option to create sync groups for animations. In the video above, you can see two sync markers that have been placed.